Clarity and Self-Discovery
Define your core values, passions, and priorities so that you have a clear standard for measuring your life.
Self-assess which areas of life are aligned with your values so that you can understand your strengths and resources.
Explore any current gaps in your life as well as their origins so that you can understand their causes.
“Who am I?”
We often have so many different roles personally and professionally that it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves, our goals, and our desires. In this module, you will explore and define your most important core values. As you assess the areas of life against those values, you’ll clarify who you are at this moment and begin to realize the person you’re truly called to be, setting the stage for aligning your life with your soul’s purpose.
Trusting Your Intuition
Learn the intuitive signals your body gives you so that you can interpret this valuable feedback.
Cultivate trust in personal intuition and inner guidance so that you can align your decisions with your true self.
Gain deeper trust in your decision-making so that you can achieve the results you want.
“How do I align my life with my values?”
With all of the conflicting messages constantly bombarding us and situations where it seems like other people are deciding our lives for us, it’s easy to lose our connection with our body and with the messages our intuition is sending us. Learn to recognize those messages and gain deeper trust in your ability to make the best decisions for yourself.
Vision Crafting
Brainstorm how your life and career will look and what that experience is so that your goals are emotionally connected and personally relevant.
Create a personal vision statement so that you have a compass to guide your life decisions.
Develop a clear vision for the next phase of your life and career so that you are confident on how to reach your goals.
“What do I want?”
Our daily routines can be so packed with the things we need to manage and do, that we can overlook the things we want in life. Explore your wants and use your creativity to create a powerful and inspiring vision for yourself.
Vision Planning
Brainstorm how your life and career will look and connect with those experiences so that your goals are emotionally and personally relevant.
Create the pathway to success with specific actions towards each goal so that you have a manageable roadmap infused with purpose.
Develop a timeline with milestones towards your goal so that you have a real-time Quest Map that reflects your journey towards personal and spiritual fulfillment.
“How do I get there?”
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and transforming your life is no exception. But it’s often a challenge to know where to start. With a clear vision of how you want your life to look, infused with your deepest personal aspirations, you will create a detailed map from here to there, ensuring each step is taken with purpose and alignment.
Overcoming Obstacles
Identify and address internal and external barriers to progress so you are unstoppable on your spiritual path.
Assess the origins of limiting beliefs so you can have freedom from their constraints and fully embrace your true potential.
Develop strategies to overcome obstacles so that you can powerfully manage fears, challenge self-doubt, and build resilience to foster spiritual growth.
“How can I be unstoppable?”
In pursuit of any goal, many things can arise to create barriers between us and our vision. Explore potential barriers and arm yourself, in advance, with effective strategies that not only counter physical and emotional obstacles but also fortify spiritual resilience, enhancing your capacity to navigate life's deeper challenges.
Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management
Learn to navigate and release overwhelming emotions to foster a positive outlook and improve emotional well-being.
Manage and transform negative emotions to improve your response to stress, fostering a serene and resilient spirit.
Master your ability to reframe situations within an empowering context to reduce intense emotions and elevate your spiritual understanding.
“How do I get out of my own way?”
Wherever you go, there you are. Whenever something isn’t going the way you planned, the one common denominator is always you. Learn to avoid self-sabotage and how to quickly recover from obstacles and intense negative emotions by embracing your inner wisdom and strength.
Building a Supportive Network
Discover resources to connect to people already living your dream to affirm your vision and gain spiritual allies.
Establish a network of trusted individuals who support your vision to reduce feelings of isolation and increase your confidence in your spiritual journey.
Learn how to effectively share your vision with the people in your life to build support and have encouragement from those closest to you.
"How do I connect to support?"
Although this is your unique personal journey, you don't have to navigate it alone. Learn how to connect instinctively with people who have been where you are now and are currently where you want to be. You will also learn how to find support groups of people on your same path, fostering a community of spiritual and personal growth.
Integration and Moving Forward
Integrate all learnings and create a tangible long-term plan so that you solidify your transformation and prepare for the future.
Complete the program with a comprehensive action plan for your career and personal life, rooted in your personal and spiritual values.
Experience feeling confident and being prepared to take the next steps in your journey, empowered by a clear understanding of your life's purpose and the future you have designed.
"Who do I get to be now?"
As we complete the program, you have successfully assessed your values, created a vision for your future, and listed your goals. Now you will create a long-term action plan to prepare yourself for the life of your dreams, fully aligned with your spiritual essence and true calling.
Belief Exploration
Parenting in a tech age challenges presence. Conflicting advice can be overwhelming, but giving up isn't the answer.
You’re frustrated with your current path, feeling trapped in the wrong career, and experiencing the growing pressure of suppressed rage because you feel restricted from the opportunities you want.
You’ve been gaslighted out of your own values, emotions, passions, and even your intuition throughout your life in order to obtain “the American dream,” only to awaken to the reality that your “dream” life lies elsewhere.
Your dream has been squashed by others or by yourself as being unrealistic, impractical, not lucrative, or too difficult to achieve.
You have never experienced JOY at any of your jobs or roles.
Your ideas or work have been dismissed in public as inconsequential, but then implemented while someone else gets the credit.
You feel lost and want something different but don’t quite yet know what “next” looks like.
People who are already thriving in their passion as a career and are inspired by their work.
People who already have the certainty and confidence that they are in the role that best suits them and they are successful in that role.
People who are independent and want to create their own path, and who don’t see value in working with a coach to achieve their results.
People who already have a balanced life, freedom, and love their life and the work they are doing.
People who are fulfilled by their work as a self-expression of who they are and who are excited by the momentum and trajectory of their career path.
For nearly 13 years, I was overlooked for promotions, watching newer hires advance while I felt trapped and invisible. This stagnation, exacerbated by the daily grind of a soul-crushing job with no prospects for advancement, led to a deep clinical depression. Ignoring my intuition that I was meant to do something more significant was the major cause of the depression, which lasted 7 years. I sought help from a great therapist and a psychiatrist who supported me as I climbed out of the abyss and learned to challenge my inner narrative, create positive corrective experiences, and transform my perception of myself.
I became so numb to life that I hadn't realized my ambition and motivation were completely missing until they suddenly returned. I remembered my true calling of helping others. I received a 2-year certificate in Addiction and Recovery Counseling from City College of San Francisco and completed a 1-year clinical internship at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation's Stonewall Project counseling gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and groups, using a trauma-informed approach. With this renewed confidence, I transitioned into coaching.
Growing up gay in Texas, I often felt safer and empowered among women, especially when exploring and developing my own spirituality. It is because of this that I have always aimed to create a safe space and empower others, especially women. Guided by empathy and compassion, my mission is to celebrate professional women to navigate their transformative journeys and fully embrace their potential, fostering an environment of support and understanding.